A roast beef sandwich made into a delicious little bite. Seasoned roast beef, smoky mozzarella, and red onion are topped with a creamy horseradish sauce!...
A roast beef sandwich made into a delicious little bite. Seasoned roast beef, smoky mozzarella, and red onion are topped with a creamy horseradish sauce!...
A roast beef sandwich made into a delicious little bite. Seasoned roast beef, smoky mozzarella, and red onion are topped with a creamy horseradish sauce!...
Everything you'd expect to see at a Southern barbecue joint--smoked barbecue, creamy coleslaw, and sweet sauce--all in an easy appetizer quickly made with...
Everything you'd expect to see at a Southern barbecue joint--smoked barbecue, creamy coleslaw, and sweet sauce--all in an easy appetizer quickly made with...
Kick up your Pretzel Crisps® by turning them into perfect little healthy pizza bites! Topped with a mixture of cheese and chicken sausage and carefully...
Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps® Minis are topped with a cucumber slice, a bit of cream cheese, and a dusting of dill then topped with another mini for...
Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps® are topped with a creamy habanero cheese mixture and slices or sweet pepper, broiled, and finished with sweet chili sauce...
A roast beef sandwich made into a delicious little bite. Seasoned roast beef, smoky mozzarella, and red onion are topped with a creamy horseradish sauce!...
A roast beef sandwich made into a delicious little bite. Seasoned roast beef, smoky mozzarella, and red onion are topped with a creamy horseradish sauce!...
If you're a Mexican food fan, I think you'll like this one. A great start to a Mexican Fiesta or Cinco de Mayo celebration, game night appetizer, or even...
Everything you'd expect to see at a Southern barbecue joint--smoked barbecue, creamy coleslaw, and sweet sauce--all in an easy appetizer quickly made with...
Avocado chicken salad is packed with flavor and, as a dip, pairs well with crunchy Snack Factory® Pretzel Crisps®. Using canned chicken makes it quick...
Step outside the box and forget the traditional deviled egg with the filling stuffed inside an egg white. Serve it on a seasoned pretzel crisp. It's a...
These little one- or two-bite ice cream sandwiches are quick and easy to make, and fun to eat. Different flavors of ice cream and fresh fruit give you...
Sweet and salty all in one bite! You get sweetness from the creamy strawberry fluff, fresh strawberry slice and chocolate drizzle, with a salty crunch...
Kick up your Pretzel Crisps® by turning them into perfect little healthy pizza bites! Topped with a mixture of cheese and chicken sausage and carefully...
Sweet and salty all in one bite! You get sweetness from the creamy strawberry fluff, fresh strawberry slice and chocolate drizzle, with a salty crunch...